How everything started

It all started over five years ago. Victor Lugo the founder of Vet Voyage was living in Toronto. He decided to adopt a cute little dog he had found in the sidewalk going to the college. He rescued the puppy and decided to take care of him even though he was a broke college international student.

Victor started wondering why people in Toronto didnt have as many pets as people do back home in Mexico City. Funny how life is that one month later after having this thought Victor was faced with the harsh reality that Camilo had broken his leg and needed surgery quoted in several Toronto clinics in the thousands of dollars. The worst part was having to experience the vets lack of empathy forcing him to take a quick decision between surgery or euthanasia. Who in their right mind would think euthanasia for a perfectly healthy pet would even be an option for their beloved furry friend? So he thought “there has to be an alternative”. Victor having lived almost his entire life in Mexico City decided to take Camilo with him in his next visit to Mexico City just one week later…

It wasn´t until five years later when Teseo, Victor´s dog got really sick with a bacteria and had to be taken to Marlovet Hospital. Luckily they found out what he had after several pricy medical exams. It was then when Victor was paying the vet bills when he thought I can only imagine how much would this cost in Toronto and with that curiosity and the experience he previously had with Camilo the idea of Vet Voyage came about. That´s when he decided to actually start working and to really think this was a feasible alternative for people who couldn´t afford pricy vet bills in the US and Canada. 



 In Vet Voyage we strive to be an alternative for pet parents who are seeking affordable and quality vet care. We offer  a liaison, transportation and recovery service for pets in need of surgical procedures. We offer this service to pet parents who face the harsh reality of going into debt or euthanizing their loved one simply because vet services have become unaffordable in the US and Canada. We are here to make a difference in the vet world by providing a service that connects you to  quality specialty vet hospitals in Mexico City and most importantly at a reasonable price. By doing this we hope we can give pet parents hope because their pets deserve the chance to live a healthy and long life. 


Vet Voyage wants to become a real alternative for many pet parents in Canada and the USA that struggle to pay vet bills. We want to be your alternative for going into debt or euthanizing due to lack of funds. Ultimately we want to save as many pets as possible from economic euthanasia and give hope to pet parents in a world where a vet´s lack of empathy and greed as well as high pricing in healthcare overall by forcing you to make a harsh decision.

We want to start building a network of trust and reliability around the name “Vet Voyage” in the US and Canada by providing you with a caring and loving service to get your furry friend the surgery it needs.

We stand for pet parents who can't  afford vet bills in the US and Canada by giving them a trustworthy alternative. We have a network of reliable and caring people who will take care of your pet both from the team of Vet Voyage and the vet hospitals. All the way from the plane to the vet hospital and the post op aftercare and recovery. We know how important your furry friend is for you, that is why in every stage you will feel and know we are taking good care of your furry friend because we know it's a family member.       
